Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vanilla Cake with smarties

This one is just a normal vanilla cake, topped with icing and, nothing fancy on the inside, however I was quite proud of the way it looked on the outside. Splitting the smarties up was the most annoying thing of all, but I thought it was worth it.

Rainbow, smarty, kit kat cake!

So, after my first cake, everyone wanted a piece of cake! So I was asked to make this one for a friend of mine.
Same general idea as the rainbow cake - I split the cake into different bowls, added food colouring, except this time I just flicked it everywhere & didn't mix it together so it looked like this.

The problem was that this didn't make enough, so I had to make another cake the same way. Then I put cream in the middle, iced the top with chocolate icing, put smarties on and put kit kats around the outside (which is very hard to do, by the way!). I put ribbon around the kit kats to hold them up, and this is the end result!

Mum's Rainbow Cake

This cake wasn't hard to make - It was just very time consuming.
This was the first 'creative' kind of cake I ever made, and basically you just make a normal vanilla cake (We made it 3 cakes), split it into 5 different bowls, added food colouring and cooked them separately.
Then we froze them (AFTER THEY WERE COOL!), then the next day I made the icing, stacked them up and it ended up like this!